Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rolling Out the Retail Design Collective

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

I've been finding myself in situations much like this one lately.

Anyone else able to sympathize with this little guy?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One time, I found a wild manatee.

At first I thought I would try and catch it with my net but it was too big. So, instead I climbed up on its back and proceeded to ride it around the ocean for a while. Good times being a kid.

Now tText Colorhat classes are winding down I'll actually have time to work on side projects. I think I might continue to put fading memories down on paper like this. However I did find it challenging, especially when translating a memory from childhood. When you think back to magical moments from your past, it is really hard to capture exactly what made it so special. I think maybe the magic in this event had something to do with getting a tour of the sea by an endangered species, he was even considerate enough to stay close to the surface!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Home for the holidays and going through a bunch of old stuff.

uncovered this gem:

(my first business card circa 1997)

Funny timing considering I just received my first pack of legitimate business cards a few weeks back.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a funny transition the past four months have been. At some points I can't say that I was laughing by any means. Now that things seem to be coming together, I am back to my stubborn, eager self once again. Feels good.

Helsinki, Finland Summer 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

home town hide out

Currently, the day to day is far too boring to blog about. I will spare you for the time being. A little summer recap and more stuff from traveling to be posted soon. Until then I wouldn't bother.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have never been surrounded by nature as I was in the rain-forests of Taiwan. We traveled up the mountains for a good hour before arriving at a lichee farm, which consisted of a shack and cluster of lichee trees. I had found my paradise. Lichee is my favorite and each tree was hanging heavy with perfectly ripe fruit. We bought three bags from the farmers who failed to warn us that there were wild monkeys hiding everywhere, that were A. not afraid of people the slightest and B. pretty much existed to steal lichees from unassuming "sharp noses". Luckily in Taiwan, monkeys can be herded by farm dogs just as sheep in the west. All it took was one bark and our lichees were safe. AND we got to hang out with WILD MONKEYS!